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Welcome to Brian Lawton Legacy Project
This online site is dedicated to the rich musical heritage of northern life captured in photographs taken by the late Brian Lawton, a former postman from Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. Over many decades Brian met and photographed many of the famous names associated with jazz, blues, rock, pop and folk music during their northern tours. Explore this site to discover more about Brian, his wide-ranging interests and his photographs.
Please CLICK on photos below or on links at the top of this page to find out more.

About Brian Lawton
Brian Lawton, a former local postman from Fartown, Huddersfield, was a self-taught photographer who had wide-ranging musical tastes and interests. He documented local music events for decades and built up…

About the Project
This site was developed as part of a Heritage Lottery Fund project awarded to Holmfirth Film Festival and entitled Folk Memories: sharing music heritage through word and image. During 2017-2018,…

Get involved
Please let us know if you would like to help with any of the following aspects of the project: Gathering and sharing memories: Can you offer any information…